Humorist Judy DiGregorio is recognized as a Distinguished Alumna by her Alma Mater, New Mexico Highlands University. She is also a YWCA Woman of Distinction in the Arts. Judy writes a monthly humor column for Anderson County Visions Magazine and Putnam County Visions Magazine. She also writes press releases for the Oak Ridge Playhouse, where she frequently appears on stage.
Her work has appeared in CityView, New Millennium Writings, Knoxville News Sentinel, The Oak Ridger, The Oak Ridge Observer, OakRidgeToday, Ridges Magazine, Muscadine Lines, Long Story Short, The Tennessee Writer, Southern Hospitality Magazine, The Writing Parent, East Tennessee Episcopalian, The Church Musician Today, the Chicken Soup books, Byline Magazine, CC Motorcycle News Magazine, The Writer, the Army Times, and numerous anthologies.
Judy has been featured on Channel 10 “Your Stories” by Abby Hamm, on Live at Five, and on WDVX Tennessee Shines Radio. She has spoken at Literary Rounds, UT Writers in the Library, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Y-12 National Security Complex, and at numerous writing conferences and meetings.
Celtic Cat Publishing published Life Among the Lilliputians, a collection of Judy’s humorous essays, in late 2008, and the book was selected for the 2009 Southern Festival of Books. Her second book from Celtic Cat Publishing, Memories of a Loose Woman, was released in the summer of 2010 and selected for the 2010 Southern Festival of Books. Judy also has a CD of humorous stories, Jest Judy, from Celtic Cat Publishing.
Author of:
Tidbits: light verse & observations — June 2015
Judy’s distinctive humorous commentaries on the foibles and befuddlements of aging in the modern world. With both prose and poetry, Judy confronts life’s challenges, whether technological or biological, with hilarious self-deprecation.
Life Among the Lilliputians
Judy DiGregorio’s first collection of humorous stories.
Memories of a Loose Woman
Judy Digregorio’s second collection of humorous essays. Connie Jordan Green comments, “If laughter is the best medicine, Memories of a Loose Woman is worth a cupboard full of pills.”
Jest Judy
Eighteen of Judy DiGregorio’s most humorous stories presented on CD.
“Judy takes a nugget of the everyday and whacks the reader’s funny bone. Her stories are a delight.”
—Darnell Arnoult
“If laughter is the best medicine, Memories of a Loose Woman is worth a cupboard full of pills.”
—Connie Jordan Green
“In this smart, witty, and irreverent collection of meditations, Judy DiGregorio scores the literary equivalent of a game-winning slam dunk.”
—Eddie Francisco
“Each essay is a glimpse of joy realized and upended, a choice slice of life, a lemon-zest punch at the end.”
—Linda Parsons Marion
“Judy tells of travels and adventures with the keen wit of a skilled observer whose affection for family and refuge of home connects with all of us.”
—Alex Gabbard