James B. Johnston was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland and educated at Grosvenor High, Belfast, and Trinity College, Dublin. He immigrated to Canada in 1974 and moved to the United States in 1984.
He currently resides in Knoxville, Tennessee with his wife, Ann. The Price of Peace is Johnston’s debut novel. His collection of poems, Exile: Poems of an Irish Immigrant, was published in 1997 and has been reissued in a revised and expanded edition, Exile Revisited.
Author of:
The Price of Peace
For a nation weary of death and destruction, the 1998 Belfast Peace Agreement signals the end of thirty years of conflict in Northern Ireland. But victims of The Troubles soon realize there’s a price to pay – the early release from prison of the very people who made them victims. For Gráinne O’Connor, this price is too high.
Exile Revisited
In this revised and expanded edition of poems, essays, and photographs, the author writes about growing up in Ireland, living in Northern Ireland at the height of The Troubles, and the experience of moving to a new and distant country.