by Marilyn Kallet
Sandra Van Winkle, illustrator
Now available in English and French: The Marilyn Kallet classic children’s book. Heather discovers an abandoned kitten, and brings him home to her family. When Heather becomes ill, Jack senses it. but will he be able to rescue her with his special kitty powers? Read and find out!
Jack the Healing Cat
Jacques le chat guerisseur
Marilyn Kallet is a poet, performance artist and storyteller, the author of 14 books, including One For Each Night: Chanukah Tales and Recipes, Celtic Cat Publishing. She directs the creative writing program at the University of Tennessee, where she holds a Lindsay Young Professorship. She has won the Tennessee Arts Commission Literary Fellowship in poetry, and was inducted into the East Tennessee Literary Hall of Fame in 2005.
Sandra Van Winkle
Sandra Van Winkle is an artist, illustrator, and graphic design instructor. She creates for a variety of media including book jacket design, theatre scenic arts, poster design, television, and traditional fine art.