Colonel David McKenna, a retired officer of the Black Watch, is recalled to active service to develop a plan for securing the Highlands from German invasion.Along the way he finds love and war. Author Abbott Brayton captures a remarkable period in World War II and peoples it with characters admirable and heroic. The action is fast paced and those with a deep interest in the history of WWII will find in Outpost Scotland an unexplored niche well filled by this extraordinary novel.
Outpost Scotland
Outpost Scotland ebook
John C. Rains, retired USAF Major writes:
“While a novel, the book remains faithful to historical events. Actual characters from the war make their way into the story in a fitting manner, and Brayton displays his exceptional knowledge of events of the time. I found his integration of these events to be trustworthy and they added immeasurably to my enjoyment of the book.
I was fascinated with the way Brayton used the beautiful Northwest Scottish Highlands to great effect in telling the story. If you know the Highlands, you will be very pleased with his accurate descriptions of locations, his appreciation of the culture and language, and his love of the land and its people. I found myself following the travels and adventures with Google Earth.
This is a very entertaining book about a part of WWII that is seldom reported and a beautiful area of the British Isles that is sadly neglected as a setting for stories. Brayton has brought them together in a confident, competent, and most entertaining manner. I was sad when the story came to a close and found myself wishing for more. The novel is well researched and a good read.”
J. Thomas Hennessey, a retired Colonel in the US Infantry and the former US Army Attachto the Court of St. James comments:
“What a great read! Brayton captures a remarkable period in World War II and peoples it with characters admirable and heroic, and heroically ordinary. The action is fast paced and portrays a real sense of an extraordinary time in Great Britain. Those with a deep interest in the history of WWII will find in Outpost Scotland an unexplored niche well filled by this extraordinary novel.”
Abbott A. Brayton holds a Ph.D in International Politics and served in higher education for 26 years as a Professor, Dean, and Vice President at three institutions, and 17 years in finance.
He also served 31 years as an Army officer, much of it as a reservist, and retired as a Colonel. During his career, he served alongside British Forces several times. He commanded a brigade for three years and was Deputy Chief of the Army’s Political-Military Division in the Pentagon, which is responsible for all International Policy for the U.S. Army.
Abbott was raised in Massachusetts and Vermont. He lives in retirement in Vermont and Tennessee. No stranger to publishing, he is the co-author ofThe Politics of War and Peace, chapters in five other books and numerous research articles.