by Abbott A. Brayton
Abbott A. Brayton holds a Ph.D in International Politics and served in higher education for 26 years as a Professor, Dean, and Vice President at three institutions, and 17 years in finance.
He also served 31 years as an Army officer, much of it as a reservist, and retired as a Colonel. During his career, he served alongside British Forces several times. He commanded a brigade for three years and was Deputy Chief of the Army’s Political-Military Division in the Pentagon, which is responsible for all International Policy for the U.S. Army.
Abbott was raised in Massachusetts and Vermont. He lives in retirement in Vermont and Tennessee. No stranger to publishing, he is the co-author ofThe Politics of War and Peace, chapters in five other books and numerous research articles.
ISBN: 978-0-9891380-3-1
Highland Brigadier
“Abbott Brayton follows up his successful debut novel with another historically and geographically accurate story of David McKenna’s World War II adventures. McKenna’s participation in the disastrous raid on Dieppe provides the backdrop to a story that takes the reader into the complex and controversial political decisions that often direct military strategy in time of war.
Brayton provides a sense of place that is unique amon
g historical novels. The reader actually feels as though they know the highlands, its people and what they accomplished during those war years. I enjoyed this story immensely.”
—J. Thomas Hennessey, Colonel, Infantry retired;
US Army Attaché to the Court of St. James 1987-1990